Friday, November 23, 2012

Turkey Awards 2012-Nominate

Turkey Award 2012- Nominate your Turkey!

There have been so many dumb turkey moves by so many people this past year I thought it would be appropriate this holiday to award the worst offenders.

 -Who or what company or politician has done the biggest Turkey move of the year?

-Maybe we can get this in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade next year!!

-Mine is Hostess-for the executives who tried to pluck the company for millions for themselves and for the unions who stuffed the workers.

Go to @bigmahi on Twitter to Nominate yours!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thank You all for Your #Sandy Help

I was one of the thousands of people who was hit by #sandy and suffered along with hundreds of thousands in the Metro NY and NJ area. I posted frequently on Facebook to share the abrupt change in our life, and give an account of what many of us were going through.
We had gas to cook and  make hot water for showers but no power. When was the last time you did not have the convenience of electricity. I can tell you it was not fun.
I want to make it clear that while were inconvenienced and out of our element there were so many others who did and are still really suffering from loss of home, pets and even lives. I feel for them.
But the man purpose of this post is to thank the many individuals who helped clean up and restore power and order to a chaotic area.
I happened to talk with workers from all over the Northeast who helped LIPA get power on. They worked 16 hours a day, many without a good meal or even a "thank you". Well I say "thank you" again to all of you.
I also had the chance to run into members of the DMAT team at JFK airport on their way home. Delta Airlines was very helpful and accommodating to the 200 or so men and women I met there.

Here is one man from the #DMAT team, direct medical assistance team, part of the government dedicated to providing emergency and disaster medicine throughout the state and country. He was one of many that were situated in the Nassau Medical Center where up to 800 displaced people spent days waiting for power and services in #NassauCounty, NY. He was leaving from JFK on Thursday along with about 200 others returning home to many different states. I would like to thank him and his team for contributing to the medical care of those in the area shelters.
If you would like to support these people please #SHARE on #Facebook  or Retweet and hopefully it will eventually find it's way back to many of these humanistic people.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day-Moment of Reflection

Veterans Day-Easy to overlook with the recent weather crisis around the East Coast but let's take a moment to reflect. Reflect on the many service people who have chosen to join the military to fight and support the USA.Many of have not always agreed in principal to our leader's positions on wars over the past 50 years but I hope we all can agree that we owe a debt to the rank and file men and women who place themselves in harms way to help support the American way of freedom and democracy. Let's not forget  the veterans and our need to now provide for them as they age; let's not forget the returning young people who have endured horrible conditions in the Middle East and now need jobs; let's not forget the families that lost breadwinners and have children and financial nooses to deal with; and let's not forget that we are all in this together and need to cooperate and give a little to move our country forward and provide for all.
Here's to the Veterans who we give thanks for your service and dedication.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Power-Finally-11 Days after "Hurricane" Sandy and following Noreaster

POWER!! After 11 days we got power back at 4pm today.This followed endless tweets and emails to various officials and LIPA ( power company). None were answered but we did get a couple of  general updates ( which turned out not to be accurate).
At 8am this morning I had been offered the use of a generator by a friend. I used precious gas to head to Babylon and meet him for the valuable exchange. While on the way home I found a pile of cut firewood left in a parking lot by a good soul. Packing as much wood into the car for back-up in case the generator did not work I headed home to (1) get the wood into the house (2) get the generator set up (3) get odd numbered gas for the car and generator.
By this time my wife and daughters were emotionally drained and physically exhausted by the lack of heat during the last really cold nights.
Reaching my house I noticed more activity by LIPA crews than I have seen in 10 days. All along our adjoining streets crews were in cherry picker, and surveyors going from home to home inspecting electrical boxes for damage. We had to sign affidavits that
we were visited. Hopefully this was the final step in getting power back. One of the workers said it was not anticipated for power restoration until Monday. So I had to get a move on and get wood into the house and then the gennie going.
However I saw a LIPA power truck go by and hailed him down. Jim, the worker, was also burned out it like the rest of us. He said that he had a short list of homes that needed to be shut off before power could be turned on. Glitch was he lost or thought a hysterical resident took the list to stop restoration if her house was not included. I volunteered to coordinate with the surveyors and try to get the names back to him as he continued to do his job. He took off one way and I another.
It was good fortune that I met the surveyors 2 blocks away, gave them the info then rushed back home to continue to carry the 100 logs into the house.
(Funny just a while back my wife said we never use the fireplace,. Well, over the past
11 days it was one center of emotional strength and some physical comfort. Amazing how the strong flames can provide a sense of security and nexus of family.
That along with steam heat generated from large pots on our stove provided the minimal degree of warmth.)
Turns out that as he drove back he confessed that the list had fallen into his lunch pail. He apologized and we laughed a bit. He also shared that the power company had changed payroll services last week and his total paycheck for 16 hr days was $314. He sure was upset. But he did hie job none the less. Thanks Jim.
Lots of interactions with neighbors coming and going, more chats with Jim about timing for possible restoration and thinking of how to hook the gennie to the furnace kept me very busy as I worked to beat the setting of the sun-not worried about vampires but blood chilling as evening approached.
I was just finishing stacking the last of the precious wood when I noticed a strange glare off the kitchen wall. I went in and low and behold, the lights were on! I went from room to room and YES, each one was working. Then I darted to the thermostat and put the temp at 75! Hell, time to celebrate. I then Tweeted my joy to many, and texted friends that had been supported.I went out and shouted "Power" to the neighbors. A couple returned the call! We were feeling good.Finally.
I want to thank all of you who showed concern, compassion and love. I have a bit of mixed feelings towards those who totally ignored our discomfort but isn't that always what happens?
So, as if nothing happened, I sit at my computer, able to type easily and not worry about my cell dying and trying to find power. We just ordered chinese food and it will be good to sit at our table again, watch Shark Tank and appreciate our good fortune.